Communication may seem to be very black and white – you either know a language
and can communicate with someone, or you do not – but the truth is that the manner
and style in which ideas are communicated are entirely different in other cultures, and
go far beyond a simple language barrier.
In America, the style of communication typically used is classified as low-context
communication. In this style, one focuses more on the literal meanings of actual words
used rather than relying on non-verbal cues to fully interpret meaning. This type of
culture and communication style does well with written words, in which the entirety of
the meaning is dependent upon the words themselves to convey a message.68
Conversely, Cambodia is classified as using a high-context communication style. In this
style, groups use spoken words and non-verbal cues to comprehend what is being
communicated. To fully understand what the speaker intends, a listener must employ
their ability to “read between the lines.” In this style, it is important to listen and observe
concurrently, but even someone from a low-context culture who is highly skilled in both
may still find it difficult to fully grasp a high-context communicator’s meaning.69
In general terms, “high-context” refers to societies or settings that have longestablished,
deep connections. Because of the depth of connection between the
members of the group, much of the communication is understood by implication and
less is stated explicitly.70 Your family would most likely be a good example of a highcontext
group. Other examples of high-context situations might be a party of close
friends, a small church congregation, or a formal restaurant where the rules of behavior
and underlying cues are understood without having to be spelled out.
To most people from low-context communication societies, high-context
communication seems to be very indirect. For example, a friend says that he is hungry
but cannot leave his work to buy food. For a low-context person, this means that the
friend will be hungry until he finishes work, but a high-context person may get the signal
that his friend would like for him to pick up food for him. Saying this directly would
appear to be overly demanding to a high-context individual, but by telling his friend
that he is hungry, another high-context individual will be able to detect the cues and will be placed in a position of offering to pick up food.71 While it may seem that the
high-context individual is talking around what he wants, he is actually giving significant
signals that he expects the listener to understand.
Learning to understand high-context communication cultures is very difficult and takes
years. In the above example, what is going on reflects communication style, but also
other cultural preferences. By hinting that he would like for someone to pick up food,
the high-context communicator saves face if the friend were to refuse, and the friend
has the power to offer or not. Because there are so many cultural influences at work,
give yourself grace as you try to listen and connect with people in Cambodia.
If you are a low-context and direct communicator, you must be careful in how you
communicate with and perceive things from a high-context and indirect
communicator. You may think that they are being evasive, dishonest, can’t take a
stand, have no opinion, or that they are increasing tension by not dealing with issues
directly. Before this becomes your mindset, however, remember the things you have
learned about their culture and ask yourself questions such as, “What is the context
behind what they are saying?” and, “What is the point they are trying to convey?”
You must also be careful of what you might be communicating unintentionally. For
example, if you are sharing at a church in Cambodia with parents of children who are
unable to go to school and you say, “It would be great if someone built a school for all
these children,” a Cambodian listener might think you are stating that you want to
finance the building of a school.
Read Acts 2. There, years after God chose to muddle the languages at the Tower of
Babel, He made it possible for everyone in Jerusalem to understand what the apostles
were saying, each in their own native language. Though some remained incredulous,
God, through the Holy Spirit, spoke to the hearts of many in the crowd that day, “and
there were added that day about three thousand souls.”72
Even as much as God made the disciples’ words bear fruit, God can use your words to
bring glory to His name and serve others in Cambodia. As you are getting ready for
your trip to Cambodia, know that you will probably make mistakes and interpret
something incorrectly in your conversations with Cambodians. This kind of cultural
communication adjustment doesn’t happen overnight and in fact takes years. Spend
time in prayer today and ask God to give you wisdom and grace as you communicate
His love to the AIM staff and all of those you will be ministering to on your trip.
Direct communicator here. Earlier in life I was not. I still have to remind my husband if I say I don't expect something (like a gift) it isn't secret code=-)
ReplyDeleteWe've also learned that maybe means yes. So yes or no is a good standard practice.